Paidipati Kalyani, a single parent, has reached out to us seeking help to educate her son – Ajay Babu. In 2010, Ajay’s father passed away in an accident. Ever since that unfortunate incident, Kalyani has been supporting her family by doing tailoring work and her annual income is approximately $800 (Rs. 60,000 per year).
Her son, Ajay Babu, academic progress is normal and typically wouldn’t qualify our norms of sponsoring a kid. However, Ajay has shown his willingness to improve and we have taken this case on our discretion. Below are the fee particulars and we urge our donors / supporters to help with this cause.
Particulars | Fee Amount INR | Fee Amount ((USD) |
College Fee | 25000 INR | $368 |
Books | 1000 INR | $15 |
Totals | 26000 INR | $383 |